Cotton Candy Shoes

My dog is really a child in fur pants.

This is important because my dog is part of me. This can get messy if I’m wearing my cotton candy shoes. Really messy if we are trying to sneak into a “no pets” facility. Which we do at every opportunity.

Following rules is not part of who I am. Also, I often toss authority and following directions into the compactor.

We can be as sweet as a lopsided chocolate cake.

If you visit us you will most likely find us lying back with our bellies full and icing in our hair and sometimes in our ears. We will have cake crumb mustaches and our PJ’s will be streaked with finger prints.

And yes, we like it that way. It adds a little spice to our good morning or good night kisses.

We are usually grumpy if we’ve gotten into a situation with lima beans. Lima beans bring out the savage in us and we can hold them in our cheeks longer than you can keep your eye on us.

We can spit them out with the accuracy of a sharp shooter on a tactical mission.

We should wear warning labels when we are forced to consume disgusting things. It can make us obnoxious and quite rude.

Sometimes we just ignore people until a romp in the park followed by a triple scoop ice cream cone turns us back into silly, waggily fools.

We are mostly made of love.